Ever have those times when you’re having a row with a mate, a disagreement in your relationship, a lack communication at work, you’re having a disagreement about keeping potato chips in the fridge or something along those lines….

There’s usually an issue between someone else and yourself.

Of course, majority of us plead our case to a mate, a family member, or someone we deem important enough to share with, we take the opportunity to have a moan, tell our version or express our side of the issue. It helps us reason within ourselves and makes us feel better sharing the problem.
Sometimes once we say it out loud it becomes blindingly obvious what the solution may be!

I’m all about seeking advice, help and support when you’ve got something of some sort going on that could be taking a toll on you emotionally, mentally or physically
-a problem shared is a problem halved 👌🏼👌🏼

In saying that, we have to be careful and remain mindful of who we are sharing with and ultimately what thoughts and advice they may be giving us. Also what effect this advice may have versus our desired outcome.

Ideas and advice should be non invasive, comforting and helpful, advice that is constructive and that can aid in reconciling the problematic situation.

It should be coming from some one genuine, with the best intentions and with a fair, honest perspective.

In a time of conflict we are easily persuaded, we can take on board every comment, suggestion or opinion from someone else and unknowingly apply it to our problem.

On the contrary, we may hear a perspective on the situation that we just don’t agree with, but sometimes we know it’s right -we just don’t like it because…we know it’s right.
We may know it’s right because …it may be hard to do.
We may not want to do it even though… we know it’s right.
Full circle. These things are never easy.

Venting and sharing is a healthy way of relieving stress and anxiety. We all have that group of friends, or our go to guy or gal who we gossip to or throw our bitching & moaning at.
A good goss is bloody ideal -with the right people.
These people recognise the difference between a legitimate problem and a simple vent.
These people are here to help.
These are the people you need in your life.

Trustworthy, non judgy, helpful people.

If you’re having those issues within your home, with your boss, the stupid person who doesn’t think chips in the fridge is a good idea, with your friend, with your family and so on, seek the advice, ask for help, have the vent just don’t let it interfere with any of these relationships if it’s not intended on helping you get a positive outcome.
Don’t let people and their opinions effect any of your relationships if it’s not broken, it just needs a little mending.

In saying that, what ever your situation is, anyone else’s opinions aside, ensure you are confident in yourself and what you are fighting for, ensure you are safe and ensure you stand up for what you believe in.

If you can’t solve the problem, you can’t mend the friendship, you can’t save the marriage, you can’t see eye to eye with your colleague, you can’t convince this silly person that chips belong in the fridge, don’t fret, you’re not alone.
There is another person out there fighting the same battle, they too will be looking for help and advice.

Make sure you surround yourself with good people with good hearts and your wellbeing at the forefront. People who will offer their support the best way they know how.

Most importantly surround yourself with people who put their chips in the fridge, if you don’t already do this. Start. Now.

Also…. maybe even more importantly than chips going in the fridge….

Be that someone for some one else.

Input is good, but only when coming from a good place. 💖💖