Man it has been a long time coming the continuation of keep our webpage up to date but here goes. We arrived down south a couple of months ago mainly to watch young Russel Edge play his Southland Under 15 Rep football in Timaru and then he played in the Southland Under 13 Rep football  tournament in Dunedin. Well it’s been a big job starting with the Tom and the Excavator clearing the top mess off the garden. Jude tidied up the tunnel house and planted all the goodies for the summer growing. Outside I built some raised planter boxes and rotored the area toRead More →

First Wildlife Encounter This Post is the final post from our Canadian adventure and covers the rest of our road trip. Thanks to Jude whom has done a great Job with hours of writing from her countless notes. Osoyoos now visited and enjoyed for a couple of days it’s off east again with our destination Christina Lake camp ground called Texus Creek. The long and winding roads and highways passed through little settlements Johnston Creek, Rock Creek, Midway, Greenwood, Grand Forks where the highway starts to follow the Kettle River towards Christina Lake. Jude’s driving for the first time and she did surprisingly very well….Read More →

Looks like the Kim and Tom have got things sorted in the first days of their Canadian experience, with the necessary details and information established its off for a familiarity recon around the local area they’re staying. With a temperature of about 30 degrees its a big change from the deep south of NZ at this time of the year. Envy these guys and their adventurous demeanor and both Jude and I are probably as excited as they are. Looking forward to keeping up on their adventures with their own posts on this site over the next two years. Their First Pics Of VancouverRead More →

Last night was the last night that Tom and Kimberly in the South Island NZ for up to 2 years as they head to Auckland before flying to Canada. While in Auckland they will stay with Stewart Marshall until they fly out on Sunday. Being the last time here for some time to come we went out for an evening meal meeting Sophie and Finn at a Mexican restaurant in Central Christchurch. The food was very very nice and reasonably priced… (nice choice Sophie & Finn). Lots of “Remember when” moments as Tom and Sophie reminisced on the “ole” days gave us all some goodRead More →

Another wet day in the Garden City today and cool at the same time. No worries though there is always something to do in the Garden City and today Tom suggests 10 Pin Bowling. Jude and I have not been 10 Pin Bowling for at least 10 years so it was going to be an interesting session. After a hearty breakfast of porridge and joining Tom with Eggs Benny, it was off in the Jimny to Extreme Entertainment for 10 Pin Bowling. I have to say we had a really great time as Jude came out on top in the first game. The second wasRead More →