On days like today I like to take a moment to give a massive shout out to the outstanding efforts all the Dads out there put in.

I use the term Dad very loosely, cos in my opinion, a Dad is a role model, some one you can depend on, someone who oozes love. To be a Dad does not mean you have to have a set of testicles, it doesn’t mean you have to be blood related, it means you are the person who stepped up and offered yourself to someone who needed you.

The mums who are doing it alone and being the Mum and Dad
The grandparents who have taken on the grandkids to give them a stable home
The step dads who don’t see step kids, they see their children
The father figure in someone’s life, who gives them guidance and support
The husbands, partners, significant others who get their shit together and work together to raise their kids.

So many different versions of this special, highly regarded position. Each relationship with a unique and personalised quality.

On this day I also send my deepest sympathy and thoughts to those out there who no longer have their special guy/gal/person with them.
It sends an important and valuable lesson to us all lucky enough to still have our dads in our lives to take care of them and appreciate our time together.

As a Dad you get so many life experiences, waking up with a hang over to screams and cries for pancakes, sport side line cheerleading duties, cleaning shit of the carpet when the kid does a sneaky side swipe on the floor, teaching them life skills and how to skull fluids like a champ, having the balls to show some one who depends on you how to be vulnerable, yet strong -walking your son, daughter or special person down the isle on their wedding day. Offering advice and support when needed.

Watching your favourite people live, learn and grow.

I’m lucky enough and so grateful to have many Dads in my life.
My Dad, my Father, my honest, experienced, loving Dad. He’s an inspiration to live life the way you want and give the f**k you to the haters.
My husband, my partner in crime, my kids biggest, funnest, most cuddly dad, who they and me are so grateful to have.
My second Dad, who is across the ditch, a humble, kind and caring man.
My father in law, who you can always count on, he holds a special place in my kids hearts, and who always has the tool you need.
Lastly my grandad, the most honest, straight up guy in my life. You want the truth, he’s gunna give it to ya, warning -do not visit looking like shit 🤦🏽‍♀️😂

To all the ‘Dads’ out there, keep doing what you’re doing, show those who need it how to be a great role model, the kind of person you can depend on.

Happy Mother F**ken Father’s Day

1 Comment

  1. Author

    I don’t know what ticks around in your head my daughter, but I enjoy your blurbs…. and I’m humbled by your comments in this…. and above all… your words in this post are so true in every aspect… well said.

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